Saturday, December 8, 2012

BENTO = box lunch

BENTO is a Japanese word; the closest English expression is "box lunch".

How many foods can you name?

On the left, on top of the rice is:
- some kind of dumpling
- shrimp tempura
- something like a sausage, I think

At the top of the left side, the yellow thing is a TSUKEMO - pickle. This is a pickled DAIKON - Japanese radish. Just under it are 2 peanuts and a piece of pickled ginger.

On the right side, at the top is a piece of seaweed tied in a knot, a dumpling (I forget the Japanese word); the yellow triangle is a piece of scrambled egg; under it is half a hard-boiled egg and some miscellaneous tidbits.
The main course is chicken with GOMA - sesame seeds - on top, garnished with a piece of that fake crab which is really KAMABOKO - fish baloney.